Bodybuilding community has been
widely using anabolic steroids as a part of their training routine and it helps
them achieve much of their goals. It involves a lot of different factors to
gain maximum benefits of anabolic steroids. These factors can include their
training intensity levels, caloric deficit or surplus diet, good or bad
genetics, underlying health conditions etc. Every aspect of the individual
needs to be under consideration before starting a steroid cycle. If no such
factors are taken under notice, chances are that the individual will fall into
disadvantage and will have to deal with side effects.
Such careless use of steroids,
makes them illegal and dangerous for use because many people avoid using them
with care. It is essential to understand that every individual reacts
differently to steroids and one’s experience does not indicate the same for the
other. Therefore, taking advice is healthy but abiding by it, word by word, is
unhealthy. That’s another reason why many young or novice athletes and
bodybuilders tend to fall dependent on anabolic steroids because their
expectation levels increase thinking they will gain muscles from steroids
without putting much workout at the gym.
That is considered as an
unhealthy use of anabolic steroids because it can lead to the user overdosing
themselves and it can prove to be fatal for life.
Now you may wonder, if that much
risk is involved, then how can anyone take steroids without harming themselves?
Because let’s face it, not everyone can manage to take all the factors into
consideration while planning their steroid cycle.
In such a case, bodybuilders need
to set personal goals for themselves with a right mindset to actually remain
consistent throughout the journey. Because steroids should only be consumed by
professional athletes and bodybuilders who have been in training for years and
not by seasonal athletes. If a body is
in the habit of bulking up and burning fat, the steroid cycles will be inclined
to be more effective and decrease the probability of side effects if taken in a
controlled environment.
With that being said, it is
possible for professional athletes and bodybuilders to take steroids safely. In
this article, we will list down top 5 safest anabolic steroids that can be used
in the bulking and cutting cycles for all bodybuilders.
Following are the top 5 safest
anabolic steroids that bodybuilders tend to prefer as a part of their steroid
Let’s make one thing clear, no
steroid is 100% safe especially when they are taken without any medical
assistance, but since these steroids are FDA approved for treating patients,
let us just say they are the only safest option available.
Another reason as to why these
steroids are safe is that they do not cause much strain on the heart and liver.
With that, if any potential side effects appear, they can be dealt with post
cycle therapy and reduce the impacts of any side effect.
side effects are only the result of carelessness and negligence. When the users
are carelessly consuming higher doses of steroids, their body will not be able
to tolerate them and thus resulting side effects. It can be extremely fatal and
might as well destroy careers because if these side effects are irreversible,
there is no going back to fixing them. Therefore, being extremely careful is
important and that’s what we will be guiding you through in this article.
Let’s discuss each of these
anabolic steroids in detail and find out more about how they are a safer option
available for bodybuilders who are seeking to start their steroid cycles.
Testosterone, the most popular and first synthetic
variation of steroid available in the market, is used in almost every steroid
stack as a base. Initially, it was developed to be used for clinical purposes
such as treating depression, however, its dramatic effect on muscle and
strength enhancement, led its usage amongst bodybuilders. Bodybuilders, who
start taking testosterone, are recommended to start with a lower dosage to
observe the effectiveness of the drug on their body because 200-350mg per day
dosage will guarantee 15 to 20lbs gain and that would be more than enough for a
beginner. And as they say, the tolerance levels tend to increase over the
years, that’s when the dosage is increased to up to 500mg per day which can add
10 to 15lbs.
Testosterone is primarily used in
bulking cycles as it promises significant gains in muscle mass but what makes
it safe is that it is the best steroid when it comes to the overall health of
the heart and the liver in comparison to other steroids. It causes less impact
on the cholesterol levels and makes the blood pressure manageable mainly
because of its aromatizing nature which causes the estrogen levels to rise.
Although it sounds like
testosterone is safe, it is equally necessary to be careful while taking
testosterone because if the user takes a mismanaged dose, the sudden impact of
side effects will destroy all their progress and compromise their health.
Therefore, never exceed the recommended dosage and always consult your coach or
an expert. Remember, testosterone is not for female bodybuilders.
Deca Durabolin
Deca Durabolin, also known as Decan, is a
perfect mild steroid that is commonly used in the bulking cycles in combination
with other steroids like testosterone, dianabol or anadrol to produce dramatic
gains. This drug can only show significant results when it is stacked with
other bulking steroids. You may wonder, then why take decan? Well, decan works
as an amplifier for the drugs with which it is combined and helps in achieving
sustainable gains.
Decan is an injectable steroid
like testosterone which is why many consider it to be a safe option despite
being a slow-acting compound. It can take several weeks to actually show some
significant impact on the gains. However, it can show significant amounts of
muscle and strength when stacked with the right steroids.
Deca is also used in the
treatment of anemia, red blood cell count in the bone marrow and increasing
lean mass in patients suffering from muscle wasting diseases. Since it is used
in the effective treatment of various diseases, Deca is FDA approved. It was
also known to be used for treating dwarfism, AIDs and osteoporosis but not
Since, deca is not androgenic,
the users can be rest assured that the risk of developing hair loss or acne
reduces a lot and female athletes can also easily run short to moderate cycle.
Although dianabol is the only
steroid in this list that is not FDA approved, we would still consider it as
few of the safest and more tolerable steroids out there. Professional
bodybuilders would prefer running dianabol with other steroids, however,
beginners tend to run it alone because it can achieve significant gains for a
Dianabol is considered as the first of the few
steroids that became extremely popular during the golden era of bodybuilding
when Arnold Schwarzenegger was the face of the bodybuilding industry. Although
dianabol is a weak steroid, there is a reason why it is still consumed by many
professional athletes and that is because this drug has a noticeable effect on
the bodybuilders progress and they love how it works on them.
Dianabol will help you gain more
muscles than you could gain on testosterone. If you plan to take only dianabol
during your bulking cycle with a moderate 15 to 20mg dosage per day then you
can possibly gain 30lbs of mass within 6 weeks.
If this steroid was a life
threat, it would not be on our list and it is always important to consult an
expert before starting any steroid cycle because it is better to be safe than
Anavar is the most popular steroid in the
bodybuilding industry today amongst males and females. It may be the only
steroid that caters to both genders without compromising anything because it
has weak side effects which can easily be managed and controlled.
Anavar is safe because it does
not aromatize which means that it helps athletes and bodybuilders achieve that
dry and lean look. It is commonly known to be perfect for cutting cycles as it
helps in shedding more fat, replacing it with muscles and increasing overall
This drug is perfect for those
users who want a sure-short solution to lose fat and bulk up as male users who
are taking 15 to 20mg daily dosage, can possibly gain up to 10lbs of muscle in
6 weeks. Whereas, female users can take half the dosage of males with shorter
cycles and still experience significant fat loss with noticeable muscle gain.
This drug is the favorite amongst female bodybuilders because it is the only
anabolic steroid that has no virilizing effects upon the female users.
Anavar is also an ideal steroid
because it does not cause water retention and does not put much stress on the
liver because the kidneys take the work-load off of the liver by processing the
compounds of anavar. However, if the bodybuilders increase their dosage way
more than the maximum recommended dosage, then it can cause a lot of damage to
the liver. Therefore, the key is to run controlled cycles with a dosage that is
perfectly suited for an individual’s specific targets.
It is recommended to always
consult an expert before taking steroids and be aware of all the important
factors that need to be kept in mind while starting the steroid cycle.
Primo is a mild steroid like anavar and it is
commonly used in the cutting cycle. This steroid is so safe that it has been
given to children who have struggled with being underweight without any known
side effects. It was clinically used by health care experts to help certain
patients gain lean muscle mass, in order to bring them to their ideal BMI. This
drug has been popularly used for treating patients who suffered from
muscle-wasting diseases.
Primo does not aromatize, which
also makes it safe because no chances of water retention, therefore, given
ripped, tight and lean physique.
When this drug is used in the
cutting cycle, it burns off the unnecessary fat away while also building up
muscles along the way. Another best thing about this steroid is that it is not
an androgenic steroid which is why females can also take primo under the
standard dosage of 50 to 75mg daily without facing any virilizing side effects.
Wrapping Up!
It is hard to find steroids from
your local drug store to aid your bodybuilding goals which is why you can find
the safest steroids for bodybuilding and enhancing your performance on
Although these drugs are approved
by FDA for medical experts to prescribe to patients, bodybuilders can be rest
assured that this drug will not cause unknown side effects especially when we
have post cycle therapy drugs in the market. These
drugs can help the users to manage their side effects and eliminate the risk of
side effects by starting post cycle therapy (PCT) right after their steroid
cycle ends.
Along with that, the users must
not establish their dependency upon steroids in order to prepare for
competitions or expect to grow muscles in specific areas of their body. Such a
habit can become unhealthy for the user’s overall progress and compromise their
health. Therefore, understanding and achieving the balance between self-training
and running steroid cycles is important since these cycles account for 50% and
the user’s diet and training accounts for 50% of the total progress.
Not only that, users must take
into consideration their unique circumstances which needs to be factored in
before starting their steroid cycle. That is why consulting an expert or hiring
a coach is always encouraged because they can guide the users through each and
every step of the way depending on their unique goals and unique body.
It is safe to say now that you can take these steroids with no worries as long as you are mindful of the important things that have been discussed above in the article.